After launching three smartphones in quick succession, Xiaomi has been silent over the last couple of months, but that's going to change next week as the Chinese vendor is launching a new selfie-centric smartphone in India. The smartphone which is believed to the Redmi Y2 is now confirmed to be exclusive to Amazon in the country. The e-commerce portal has created a landing page highlighting the key features of the device, which are, of course, the selfie camera and the fingerprint scanner, which the Realme 1 lacks. Also, Xiaomi is highlighting the letter 'Y' in the #RealYou, hinting the smartphone as the Redmi Y2. Amazon India has also started taking pre-registrations for the device.
While Xiaomi is yet to reveal the complete specifications of the smartphone, the teased specifications are so far in-line with the Redmi S2 smartphone that was unveiled last month in China. Instead of launching an entirely new smartphone, Xiaomi will be rebranding the Redmi S2 as Redmi Y2 in India, and it will succeed the Redmi Y1 device, which was the company's first selfie-centred smartphone to launch in the sub-continent.
Coming to the specifications of the Xiaomi Redmi S2, it flaunts a 5.99-inch HD+ display with a resolution of 720 x 1440 pixels. It's an 18:9 panel and the phone comes powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 SoC. Xiaomi might launch the device in 3GB RAM and 4GB RAM options with the storage going up to 64GB. The highlight of the Redmi S2 was the dual rear cameras and the 16MP selfie shooter. A 12MP primary sensor is present at the rear side of the phone, which is accompanied with a 5MP sensor. The phone offers Portrait modes with both the front and rear cameras. This device also comes with Face Unlock feature. The phone is backed by a 3080mAh battery
Xiaomi is also teasing the MIUI 10 launch on June 7, hinting at the launch of new MIUI iteration's Global Beta ROM in the country. Xiaomi yesterday unveiled the MIUI 10 alongside the Mi 8 and a couple of other smartphones. So, it won't be a surprise if Xiaomi announces the Global Beta ROM at its June 7 event in India. Most likely, the Redmi S2 in India will come with MIUI 9 out of the box.