On Thursday, Xiaomi launched yet another product in India – the Mi Pocket Speaker 2. The second edition of the Mi Pocket Speaker comes with a minimalistic design. Xiaomi strategically chose the World Music Day, on June 21 as its launch day for the Mi Pocket Speaker 2. The new gadget which comes in at the cost of Rs 1,499 boasts of Bluetooth 4.1 connectivity, a 5W speaker, and a claimed battery life of 7-hours even on continued music playback. The Mi Pocket Speaker 2 will be available in the two standard colours of black and white and will start selling on mi.com at 12 PM IST.
As for the design and build of the speaker, the Mi Pocket Speaker 2 measures 60x60x93.3mm and it's made from polycarbonate & ABS material with the surface being crafted from an aluminium alloy. On the front, the speaker sports a LED status indicator. The speaker also facilitates calls thanks to the built-in microphone. When a call is received, the music is automatically paused. What has caught the interest of the Indian buyer is that the predecessor of this speaker, the Mi Pocket Speaker has not yet been launched in India. However, other audio devices like Mi Headphones Comfort, Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro HD, Mi Earphones Black, Mi Earphones Silver, and Mi Earphones Basic have been witnessed on the Indian store shelves.
The Mi Pocket Speaker 2 comes with Bluetooth 4.1 and it delivers an effective coverage of up to 10 metres. The battery on the speaker is a 1200mAh one with a 3.7V capacity. The working temperature of the speaker holds between -10 degrees Celsius and 40 degrees Celsius. The USB power input for the gadget is 5V/ 1A (5W).
Over the years, the Chinese device manufacturer has established its solid stronghold in India. Recently, Xiaomi inaugurated its 1000th service centre in Hyderabad, Telangana. Starting in July 2014, the company has witnessed a meteoric rise in the Indian tech scene. Now it boasts of around 500 service centres dedicated to Mi TV repairs and presence in over 600 cities.