Vodafone continues to improve prepaid tariff plans. After introducing the Rs 499 plan and revising the Rs 555 recharge, it is now time for the telco to increase the validity of Rs 129 entry-level prepaid plan. Vodafone's Rs 129 plan now comes with 24 days validity, as opposed to the 14 days validity which the plan was launched with. Vodafone puts the Rs 129 plan against Jio's affordable Rs 98 pack, but it wins the race because of unlimited voice calling benefit. On the other hand, Jio is just providing free on-net voice calling with the Rs 98 plan and users will have to make use of IUC Top-Ups for off-net calls. Vodafone has made this change silently and the revised Rs 129 recharge is currently available only in select circles like Andhra Pradesh & Telangana and Mumbai.
Vodafone Now Offering 24 Days Validity With Rs 129 Prepaid Recharge
Of all the three private telecom operators, Vodafone has the most number of prepaid plans on offer and the list is just growing with every passing week. Vodafone introduced the Rs 129 prepaid recharge a couple of months ago with 14 days validity. Now, the plan is providing benefits for 24 days in select circles like Mumbai, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, and for 21 days in Rajasthan. In some circles, the plan is still offering 14 days validity, but the company might soon revise it to provide 24 days.
Benefits of the Rs 129 Vodafone prepaid recharge include unlimited voice calling to any network within India, 300 SMSes and 2GB of data. Users also get access to Vodafone Play app worth Rs 999.
The major advantage of recharging this prepaid plan is the unlimited voice calling benefit. For 24 days, users can make truly unlimited voice calls to any network within India and there's no FUP limit in place.
Vodafone Rs 129 Plan vs Jio Rs 98 Recharge
Right after the introduction of Vodafone's Rs 129 plan, Reliance Jio brought back the entry-level Rs 98 prepaid pack with benefits like 2GB of 4G data, 300 SMSes and unlimited Jio to Jio voice calling. Yes, you heard it right. Jio is not providing off-net voice calling benefit with its Rs 98 plan and users will have to recharge the IUC Top-Ups such as Rs 10, Rs 20, Rs 50 and so on to make voice calls to other networks like Airtel, Vodafone Idea, BSNL and MTNL. Reliance Jio also has a Rs 129 plan which comes with 2GB data, 300 SMSes, 1,000 non-Jio minutes and unlimited Jio to Jio calls for 28 days.
This is underwhelming from Reliance Jio which also gives an upper hand to Vodafone in the entry-level segment. Vodafone is also offering a Rs 149 prepaid plan that comes with similar benefits of Rs 129 plan for 28 days.