Recently, Vodafone launched some new Roaming Minutes packs for the Delhi & NCR region. Public telecom operators (BSNL & MTNL) are providing free roaming for incoming calls since past few months, but private telecom operators are still charging for such calls. Earlier, those operators started offering Roaming Rate Cutters to make and receive calls during roaming at low cost.
This time, Vodafone has introduced some Roaming Minutes packs to help those users who face problems of hight costs during roaming. These packs are basically designed with minutes that one can use during roaming for incoming and outgoing calls. There are two types of such packs – ones with more validity and ones with long validity. The packs starts from a price range of Rs. 43 and go upto Rs. 196. You can get details of all the Vodafone Roaming Minutes packs for Delhi in the chart below.
Vodafone Roaming Minutes Packs for Delhi & NCR Region | |||
Price | Benefits | Validity | Type |
Rs 43 | 55 Free Roaming Minutes | 60 Days | Long Validity Packs |
Rs 93 | 120 Free Roaming Minutes | 90 Days | |
Rs 202 | 260 Free Roaming Minutes | 180 Days | |
Rs 66 | 95 Free Roaming Minutes | 28 Days | Normal Validity Packs |
Rs 156 | 230 Free Roaming Minutes | 28 Days | |
Rs 196 | 300 Free Roaming Minutes | 28 Days | |
You can use the free minutes during roaming for both Incoming & Outgoing minutes. | |||
*Please Do Check with CC Before recharge *Packs only For Delhi & NCR |
You might be wondering about the reason for Vodafone launching these pack in the Delhi circle. A clear reason is MTNL offering unlimited free incoming calls during roaming, and there is a large population in Delhi that stays there for a job or other purposes, and they visit their homes monthly or quarterly. The other reason is that Vodafone is just short of touching a user-base of 10 million (1 crore).
In July, the company added more than 64,000 users, while Aircel added double of what Vodafone could achieve due to their cheap offerings, STD as well as roaming low-cost packs. So we can say that Vodafone is trying to get those users, and that's why they launched these new Roaming Minutes packs in the Delhi & NCR region.
Please share your views on these packs and keep reading TelecomTalk for more news & updates.