Vodafone Idea (Vi), India's third-largest telecom operator, along with other private operators, has unveiled its voice and SMS-only plans. However, considering the newly launched plans, the message is clear to users seeking cheap tariffs: tariffs are only going to increase in the coming days. Earlier, Vi's CEO also mentioned that "Prices need further uptick to generate reasonable returns and support future investments." Hence, we believe Vi will also look to increase tariffs along with other operators. Additionally, Vi is yet to roll out its commercial 5G services, expected in March 2025, according to earlier reports.
Also Read: Prices Need Further Uptick to Generate Reasonable Returns: Vodafone Idea
Prepaid Voice Plans
Coming to voice offerings, Vi has launched two prepaid plans. Let's now take a look at all the voice-centric plans offered by Vi as of January 2025. As previously discussed by TelecomTalk, voice plans can be categorised into Voice and SMS-only plans and Voice-centric plans. You can read the linked story for more details and then continue reading this article. So, let's quickly check out Vi's plans in both categories.
Vi Voice and SMS-only Plans
1. Vi Rs 470 Plan – 84 Days
Vi's entry-level voice and SMS-only plan of Rs 470 offers unlimited voice calls and 900 SMS with a validity of 84 days. No additional benefits are included. The plan costs an effective Rs 5.60 per day.
2. Vi Rs 1849 Plan – 365 Days
For those looking for a long-term option, Vi's Rs 1849 plan offers unlimited voice calls and 3600 SMS with a validity of 365 days. The effective cost is approximately Rs 5 per day.
Vi Voice-Centric Plans
1. Vi Rs 98 Plan – 10 Days
Vi's Rs 98 plan includes unlimited voice calls and 200MB of data. No SMS benefits are included. Post-quota data usage is charged at 50p per MB. The effective cost is approximately Rs 9.80 per day.
2. Vi Rs 155 Plan – 20 Days
The Rs 155 plan offers unlimited voice calls, 300 SMS, and 1GB of data with a 20-day validity. Post-quota data usage is charged at 50p per MB. The plan costs an effective price of around Rs 7.70 per day.
3. Vi Rs 179 Plan – 24 Days
Vi's Rs 179 plan includes unlimited voice calls, 300 SMS, and 1GB of data for 24 days. Post-quota data usage is charged at 50p per MB. The effective cost is around Rs 7.40 per day.
4. Vi Rs 189 Plan – 26 Days
This plan offers unlimited voice calls, 300 SMS, and 1GB of data for 26 days at an effective cost of approximately Rs 7.20 per day. Post-quota data usage will be charged at 50p per MB.
5. Vi Rs 199 Plan – 28 Days
The Rs 199 plan includes unlimited voice calls, 300 SMS, and 2GB of data with a 28-day validity. Post-quota data usage is charged at 50p per MB. The effective cost is approximately Rs 7.10 per day.
6. Vi Rs 209 Plan – 28 Days
The Rs 209 plan offers unlimited voice, 300 SMS, and 2GB data with a validity of 28 days. Vi also labels this plan with the 'Unlimited Callertunes' benefit. Post-quota data usage will be charged at 50p per MB. This plan comes at an effective price of around Rs 7.40 per day.
7. Vi Rs 218 Plan – 1 Month
For monthly validity, Vi offers the Rs 218 plan, which includes unlimited voice, 300 SMS, and 3GB of data. Post-quota data usage will be charged at 50p per MB. This plan comes at an effective price of around Rs 7.20 per day.
8. Vi Rs 289 Plan – 40 Days
The Rs 289 plan offers unlimited voice calls, 600 SMS, and 4GB of data with a validity of 40 days. The effective cost is around Rs 7.20 per day. Post-quota data usage will be charged at 50p per MB.
9. Vi Rs 339 Plan – 48 Days
The Rs 339 plan includes unlimited voice calls, 600 SMS, and 4GB of data with a validity of 48 days. The effective cost is around Rs 7 per day.
10. Vi Rs 369 Plan – 56 Days
The Rs 369 plan includes unlimited voice calls, 600 SMS, and 4GB of data with a validity of 56 days. The effective cost is approximately Rs 6.50 per day. Post-quota data usage will be charged at 50p per MB.
11. Vi Rs 509 Plan – 84 Days
For a voice-centric 84-day plan, Vi offers the Rs 509 plan, which comes at an effective price of around Rs 6 per day. It includes unlimited voice, 1000 SMS, and 6GB data. Post-quota data usage will be charged at 50p per MB.
12. Vi Rs 1049 Plan – 180 Days
The Rs 1049 plan provides long-term benefits of 6 months. It includes unlimited voice, 1800 SMS, and 12GB of data with 180 days validity. Post-quota data usage will be charged at 50p per MB. The plan comes at an effective price of around Rs 5.80 per day.
13. Vi Rs 1999 Plan – 365 Days
Vi's Rs 1999 plan includes unlimited voice calls, 3600 SMS, and 24GB of data with a validity of 365 days. Post-quota data usage will be charged at 50p per MB. The effective cost is approximately Rs 5.40 per day.
Also Read: Airtel, Jio, and Vodafone Idea’s Revised Voice and SMS-Only Plans Listed
Limited Voice and Validity Plans
1. Vi Rs 99 Plan – 15 Days
This plan offers Rs 99 worth of talktime with calls charged at 2.5 paise per second (local and national). It also offers 200MB of data with a 15-day validity.
2. Vi Rs 128 Plan – 18 Days
The Rs 128 plan includes 10 local Onnet night minutes and 100MB of data with an 18-day validity. Night minutes are applicable from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM, and calls are charged at 2.5 paise per second.
3. Vi Rs 138 Plan – 20 Days
This plan offers similar benefits as the Rs 128 plan, with a 20-day validity.
4. Vi Rs 198 Plan – 30 Days
The Rs 198 plan includes Rs 198 worth of talktime and 500MB of data with 30-day validity. Calls (local and national) are charged at 2.5 paise per second.
5. Vi Rs 204 Plan – 1 Month
The Rs 204 plan offers Rs 204 worth of talktime and 500MB of data with one-month validity. Calls (local and national) are charged at 2.5 paise per second.
Also Read: Detailed: Airtel Prepaid Plans for Voice-Centric Users in January 2025
Observing the above plan and validity options, it appears that Vi has demonstrated innovation by offering a plan for every validity segment. Regarding tariffs, we believe this tariff revision momentum will continue in the coming months. So, customers need to select a plan suitable for their usage and needs. For Vi users, the above details should help you choose the right plan. For Airtel voice-centric plans, you can read more in detail through the link above.