Users Around The World To Test IPv6 Protocol

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Users Around the World to Test IPv6 ProtocolToday is World IPv6 Day people around the world have been eagerly waiting to try the new Internet addressing system, which is called Internet Protocol version 6, or IPv6.

It is expected that many users will take advantage of the Internet Society’s World IPv6 Day “test flight,” which begins today at 8 p.m.

Big companies have already made preparations to handle the increased traffic and to answer customers’ questions.

The current Internet addressing system Internet Protocol version 4 which has been in place since the 1980s, eventually will be replaced by the new Internet protocol version 6 because the pool of IPv4 addresses is nearly depleted.

The new IPv6 addressing system will expand the number of possible addresses from approximately 4 billion with IPv4 to roughly 340 trillion trillion trillion IPv6 addresses.

During the 24-hour test period, users with IPv6 connectivity to the Internet will be able to connect to IPv6-enabled websites as well as the ISOC test site to test their IPv6 hardware, software and operating systems.

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