Tata Sky Mini, Curated, and Regional Packs All Serve Different Purpose, Here is a Hint to Which You Should Choose

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Tata Sky has become the DTH operator leader in the country owing to its discounted offerings and the unique propositions in the market. While Dish TV was the top-ranking DTH operator in the country a few months back, Tata Sky has now taken the top spot in this list as the DTH operator has amassed the most number of subscribers, and hence the most prominent subscriber market share. The DTH operator has been able to do so because of its offerings which the subscribers have loved. For the subscribers looking for a long-term solution, Tata Sky has introduced the Cashback offer, and for subscribers who would like to consume OTT content, there is the Tata Sky Binge service. Besides this, when it comes to actual TV channels, Tata Sky offers many choices of channel packs to its customers. There is a multitude of channels packs to choose from which include the broadcaster packs, of course, in addition to the curated packs, the mini or add-on packs and the regional packs. This is how you should decide between the three.



Tata Sky Curated Packs

When you visit the Tata Sky website to select channels for your subscription, you will have the option of going for the individual channels or the channel packs. Under the channel packs section, you will again have the option of choosing between the curated packs, regional packs and add-on packs. If you are starting with a blank slate and you have no channels selected, then the curated packs will be a good place to start. Unlike the other two sections - regional and add-on packs, the curated packs usually bundle a good amount of channels, and they aim to provide a one-stop solution for subscribers. The curated channel packs will often bundle channels from various genres, and even mix HD and SD channels so that the subscribers can find a single pack which gets them all the channels they might be watching.

Under the curated packs' section, the subscribers will be able to find packs like the Tamil Family Kids Sports pack which retails for Rs 269.73 per month which comes with 87 channels. Then there are also other packs like the Family Kids Sports pack for Rs 311.10 which offers 98 channels. The Tata Sky customers would be able to find curated packs with various regional language channels as well like Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada and more.

Tata Sky Regional Packs

Moving on to the regional channel packs, these channel packs offer a convenient way to the subscribers to add regional channels to their mix which they might have missed in the curated packs. For examples, if you subscribe to a curated pack which offers GEC in Hindi, some sports channels and news channels, and on top of that you would like to add some regional channels, then these are the packs you should go for. These channel packs are mostly priced under the Rs 100 mark, and they bundle a few channels, mostly not more than 10. There will also be HD and SD options in various regional languages like Malayalam, Tamil, Bengali. There are also plenty of Rs 0 pack which bundle FTA channels.

Tata Sky Add-on or Mini Packs

Lastly, there is also the option of add-on or mini-packs. To simplify the task of mini or add-on packs, it would be a good analogy to say that the add-on packs resemble the regional packs but without any limitation on the regional languages. The add-on or mini-packs by Tata Sky have been made in such a way that the subscribers can simply add them on top of their individual channel selection or the curated packs to top off their subscription with the channels of their choice in a particular genre.

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Arpit spends his day closely following the telecom and tech industry. A music connoisseur and a night owl, he also takes a deep interest in the Indian technology start-up scene and spends rest of his time spilling poetry and stories on paper.

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