Tata Docomo has launched a new concept “Rent-free Plan” for postpaid customers in selected Cities.
Tata is the first telecom to launch the plan for customers based on the concept of “PAY AS YOU USE”.
Under the rent-free plan.
A new customer will be acquired under a rental plan of Rs 149 ,based on his outgoing usage (OG calls+SMS+VAS+Data+net of FAT) the customer will be eligible for Zero rental as below:
If customer Usage is more than>499, Rental of Rs 149 will be discounted from his bill.
If Usage is <500 rental will be charged
The Unique point in the newly launched Rent-Free Plan are
a. No rental (Depending on Usage ARPU > 499).
b. Local calls at 1p/2sec. STD calls @ 5ps/6secs.
c. 100 Local+ 100 STD mins free per month.
d. SMS Charges (Local/National/International) – 60p/120p/500p
e. ISD - Standard rate apply
f. Roaming – incoming-Re 1/min, Outgoing Local-Re 1/min, Outgoing STD-Rs 1.5/min
This plan is available for both new customers and existing customers and is currently available on GSM customers & will be available very shortly for CDMA customers also.
If any other customer who is ported in from other operator can also choose this tariff plan. Customers can choose various add on packs as per the usage.Fore more details customers can call on 1800-266-0000 for the details on the Rent Free plans.