Mobile number portability (MNP) was launched in India in November 2010, that's two-year back. Now after 2 years of MNP launched, Tata Docomo sends SMS to its subscribers: 'Hi! Intra circle Mobile number Portability facility is available with all telecom service providers. You carry your old number & move into new service provider.'
Almost everyone know that MNP is available within a circles (i,e, intra circle) but it is not available inter-circlely (i,e, ). But informing subscribers about MNP with mentioning 'intra circle' confused many customers including us. As per our internal sources Tata Docomo customer care is quite busy these days handling such queries.
Funny facts:
1. Tata Docomo sent the SMS in such a format that they are asking you to port out from Tata Docomo and go to another operator with your old number.
2. In case they are trying to promote MNP to its subscribers the message could be like this - Ask your friends and relatives to move into Tata Docomo and enjoy doing the new.
3. I personally use a Tata Docomo number at Kolkata, and I did not get it. But subscribers from Karnataka and Haryana got it, and shared with us. Both the circles are Tata Docomo's 3G circles. I simply don't understand the logic.
4. How did someone at Tata Docomo approve that such message to be sent to its customers?
5. Why would Tata Docomo promote the MNP for all operator in other way its asking its premium customers to port from the current operator to other operator.
Bottomline : Tata Docomo did a mess !