The Indian cellular service provider T24 has launched two tariff plans, one at Rs. 319 and another at Rs.289. In its 3G circles -- Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra (Excluding Mumbai), Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh (West) – Rs. 319 pack offers the customers free 1GB 3G data and unlimited STD and local calls. In other circles such as Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Mumbai, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh East, and West Bengal, the pack provides free unlimited calls and 1.5GB 2G data. Both packs come with a validity of 28 days.
In Rs. 289 pack, free unlimited calls (STD and local) benefit is offered for 28 days. There is no data benefit. The pack seems to be available in both its 2G and 3G circles. However, the pack is not listed on T24 website. A few adverts on the packs claim it to be a limited period offer. However, the period offer is not known.
The USSD/SMS activation is not provided for these packs. Post free usage, 10paise per 10kb will be applicable on data usage for the remaining pack validity. In case, if multiple packs are recharged on a number for data, the benefits of only last activated data pack will be applicable. This is the case for both 2G and 3G.
T24 is a joint venture of Tata Teleservices Limited (TTSL) and Future Group. Formed in 2010, the service provider offers 3G services via Tata DoCoMo’s HSPA+. This GSM operator has an Android self-care app ‘T24 Mobile’. The customers can request for services, get latest offers and information, manage their account details, locate nearby T24 stories, etc. with the app.
-- with inputs: Shashikant