Taking up from the rumours that hinted about Jio's upcoming home delivery service, Reliance Jio has finally launched a pilot programme to deliver the Jio SIM cards at your doorstep. For now, the company is launching the service in the main cities of India to save the buyers from standing in long queues for getting the SIM card. Under the programme, select customers would be allowed to get the SIM delivered at their doorstep. These users can schedule the deliveries for as soon as "within 30 minutes".
Many past reports suggested that Reliance might just launch an online portal wherein users can buy and schedule the delivery of Jio SIM card. But the actual programme is based on invite system. For now, the Jio SIM card home delivery programme is limited to cities such as Chennai, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, and Visakhapatnam.
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Under the delivery programme, buyers would get an invite to schedule the delivery of Jio SIM at their address. Sadly, the programme also allows customers to request an invite for the delivery. The selection process for the home delivery invitation is pretty strict and is handled by a dedicated team of employees. Notably, Reliance employees will not be able to refer people for the invite. Reliance Jio will grant invites to "influencers" it has identified. Being a pilot programme, Reliance is targeting a small chunk of buyers.
In another initiative, Reliance Jio is also running a programme for housing societies and enterprises. This programme allows the Housing communities and businesses to register for Jio SIM. On the approval of the application, a team of Jio employees would visit the society or office to distribute SIM cards through a kiosk. Customers from the selected housing community or office would just need to carry an Aadhar card for 'instant eKYC-based activation'.