Reliance Jio has just launched 5G in Odisha. The launch of 5G in the state was done by the union telecom minister Ashwini Vaishnaw. Jio hosted a special event in Bhubaneswar to make the launch of 5G in the state. During the event, Jio demonstrated several of the use cases that its 5G networks could enable. Along with the launch, Jio also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Bhubaneswar-based SOA University to build a 5G lab and collaborate on relevant use cases. For now, Jio's 5G beta services will be available for customers living in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.
Bhubaneswar is the largest city and capital of Odisha and Cuttack is also a pretty large and well-known city filled with students. Jio said that by February 2023, it would bring its 5G to more cities and towns in the state, including Rourkela, Puri, Behrampur, Balasore, and Sambalpur. By December 2023, 5G would reach every tehsil and taluk of Odisha, said a Jio spokesperson.
Jio Users in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack to Get 5G Beta Services of Jio
For those of you who don't understand, Jio's 5G Beta service is provided to customers via the Welcome Offer. Under the Welcome Offer, select invited users of the telco get to experience 5G without any worries about data limits. Users are promised unlimited data with 1 Gbps+ speed at no additional cost. However, the customer would have to ensure that he/she is recharging the Jio SIM with a prepaid/postpaid plan of Rs 239 or above to get the invite from Jio.
Jio is deploying 5G SA (standalone) and has already reached several states and cities with its 5G networks. For 2023, Odisha has become the first new to get 5G. Until the time Jio is ready with PAN-India coverage of 5G networks, the telco will keep its 5G services free for the consumers in beta testing.