In a new innovative step, the Mukesh Ambani led telecom operator Reliance Jio has introduced an indigenous digital literacy initiative in India. The initiative known as the name of ‘Digital Udaan’ will help the first-time internet users in gaining useful knowledge for adequately utilising the potential of the internet. Currently, Reliance Jio boasts of having more than 300 million subscribers in India, many of whom are first-time internet users. As part of this initiative, Reliance Jio will help the users in gaining insightful knowledge about the internet and the digital space.
Reliance Jio Digital Udaan Initiative Details
Under the Digital Udaan initiative, Reliance Jio will reach out to its users on every Saturday, and the company will help the users in thoroughly understanding JioPhone features, use of various apps and internet safety including the use of Facebook on JioPhone. Not only this, but the telecom operator will also help the users in connecting with friends and family in a simple, safe and secure way. The digital training will be given to the users of Reliance Jio in an audio-visual format in 10 regional languages. It is worth noting that Reliance Jio has worked hand in hand with Facebook to develop modules for Digital Udaan, which are relevant to the cities which the users live in and the languages they use and localities, and will provide train-the-trainer sessions and training videos and information brochures.
Programme to be Launched Initially in 200 Cities
Initially, the programme will be launched in 200 different locations across 13 states. With time, the initiative is expected to reach over 7,000 locations while empowering millions of first-time internet users and JioPhone users. Mr Akash Ambani, Director, Reliance Jio remarked on this new initiative, “Jio is always looking to work with key global partners to enhance the digital life experience of the Indian consumer. The Digital Udaan initiative is one such example, which will help eradicate barriers of information asymmetry and provide accessibility in real time. It is a program for inclusive information, education and entertainment, where no Indian will be left out of this digital drive. Jio envisions to take this to every town and village of India, achieving 100% digital literacy in the country.”
Mr Ajit Mohan, VP and MD Facebook India also said about the rollout of this programme, “Jio is playing a vital role in driving India’s digital revolution by empowering millions of Indians and expanding access to the internet. Facebook is an ally in this mission, and we are delighted to partner with Jio in attracting new Internet users and creating mechanisms for them to unleash the power of that access.”
Notably, this initiative will connect the participants and first-time internet users to the rest of the internet community. These users will be able to access knowledge, seek government benefits using the internet and they will also be able to access to essential services and entertainment on their phones not only on Facebook but on other apps as well.