Smartphone maker Realme on Tuesday said it is well-positioned to sell 15 million units to meet its target this year. The company is focussed on "massifying" the best technology at affordable prices, Realme India CEO Madhav Sheth said. "We already have 10 million active users in India...We had set a target of 15 million units sales for 2019 and hopefully we'll achieve it," Sheth told PTI. Realme, which was earlier a sub-brand of Chinese handset major Oppo, had started offering its devices in the Indian market last year. It is already among the top five players in the hyper-competitive Indian smartphone market.
According to IDC, smartphone shipment in India registered 9.9% year-on-year growth at 36.9 million units in June 2019 quarter. Xiaomi led the tally with 28.3% market share, followed by Samsung (25.3%), Vivo (15.1%), Oppo (9.7%) and Realme (7.7%).
Realme on Tuesday launched two new devices - Realme 5 Pro and Realme 5 - priced at Rs 9,999 onwards.
The Realme 5 features a 6.5-inch HD+ display, 13MP front camera, quad-camera setup (119-degree 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens, 12MP main camera lens, 2MP ultra-macro lens and 2MP portrait lens), and 5000mAh battery. It will be available in three RAM and internal memory variants from August 27.
The Realme 5 Pro has a 6.3-inch Full HD+ display, 16MP front camera, and quad-camera setup (119-degree 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens, 48MP main camera lens, 2MP ultra-macro lens and 2MP portrait lens). It will also have three different combinations of RAM and internal memory and go on sale from September 4.
The company plans to launch one more device next month to cash in on the festive season and it will come with a 64MP primary rear camera. Realme has also launched Buds 2 earphones for Rs 599.