The Karnataka High Court has asked the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) to advertise the new regulations introduced by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). On December 1st 2010, TRAI took a step forward to curb unsolicited commercial communications to Indian consumers from telemarketers using medium such as voice or Short Messaging Service (SMS). The regulation mandates telemarketers to register with TRAI in order to facilitate scrubbing of Do Not Call Registered numbers in India.
Justice S Abdul Nazeer directed BSNL to submit an action taken report and adjourned the next hearing to February 4. A petition was filed before the court after BSNL failed to attend to petitioner's 400 complaints about receiving over 600 unsolicited commercial messages on his BSNL mobile phone number.
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The petitioner, Mohammed Dastagir contended that the messages were invading his privacy and causing mental agony to him. He had contended that he had received over 600 messages since 2010 despite writing to BSNL to put his number under DND (do not disturb) category. However, repeated complaints had not resulted in any action and the BSNL failed to submit the action taken report.
The principal general manager of BSNL who was present before the court submitted that the 600 messages have reduced to 14 messages.