According to survey VAS has become an integral or we can say a mandatory service for Operators as well as consumers for example CRBT (Caller ring back tone) is the most revenue generating service for Operators also it is the simplest way of a consumer to express himself to others.
Providing latest VAS content(songs, logos, etc) yields to leverage subscribers loyalty and increase in profits to operators while setting the latest released song as CRBT is the yearning of subscriber this is the way both are linked like a centripetal force revolving the operator another catch is driven by DATA & Short Message Services.
In generic terms DATA is coming out to be next revenue clutch for the operator and with the emergence on 3G its potential will be unleashed.
Ok imagine a day when if we are restricted only do peer to peer calling from our mobiles and all else is gone i guess it will make the life stuck for complete world and a smartphone will become a brick (anyway that’s not gonna happen) VAS industry is coming up with numerous Applications, Portals, Data App stores and much more our next Take will be covering different aspects of the MVAS market stay tuned, for current MVAS insight log on to