Huawei owned sub-brand Honor has launched a new mid-range device in India which goes against phones like Realme 2 Pro and Redmi Note 5 Pro. It’s worth noting that the Redmi Note 5 Pro and Realme 2 Pro have been in intense competition in the market, with both vying for the top spot. However, the introduction of the Honor 8X stirs up things a bit and diverges a race in a different direction. For a budget phone buyer out there, if you have stumbled upon these three options for your next device, this is the last comparison between Redmi Note 5 Pro, Honor 8X and Realme 2 Pro that you will need to read.
Design and Display
The Honor 8X features the best design among these three as it comes with a glass back and a dual tone finish which lends it a particularly premium look. On the other hand, the Realme 2 Pro comes with a polymer glass back which eventually gives a plastic feel to the device. The Redmi Note 5 Pro comes with a metal back in this regard and fares decently.
On the display front, the Redmi Note 5 Pro sports a 5.99-inch Full HD+ display with an 18:9 aspect ratio which doesn’t come with a notch. The phone renders a resolution of 1080x2160pixels (403ppi). On the other hand, the Realme 2 Pro and Honor 8X come with the notch. The Realme 2 Pro sports a 6.3-inch Full HD+ display, and the Honor 8X comes with a 6.5-inch Full HD+ panel, with the resolution being 1080x2340 pixels on both of them. Both of these phones bear an aspect ratio of 19.5:9.
The newly launched Honor 8X comes with a Kirin 710 octa-core SoC, accompanied by 4GB/6GB RAM and 64GB/128GB internal storage. The Redmi Note 5 Pro, on the other hand, packs the Snapdragon 636 SoC under the hood and it comes paired with 4GB or 6GB RAM and 64GB internal storage. The Realme 2 Pro runs on the Snapdragon 660 SoC, and it comes in three RAM options involving 4GB, 6GB or 8GB RAM with either 64GB or 128GB storage option.
Speaking about battery and power, there’s a 3750mAh battery driving the Honor 8X. The Realme 2 Pro packs a 3500mAh battery, whereas the Redmi Note 5 Pro packs the most power with a 4,000mAh battery. The connectivity options on all three devices include Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi, and dual SIM card slots with 4G VoLTE.
On the software front, the Honor 8X and the Realme 2 Pro come with Android 8.1 Oreo and run EMUI 8.1 and ColorOS on top of it respectively. The Redmi Note 5 Pro is left behind in this regard, as it comes with Android Nougat with MIUI on top as its skin.
When it comes to camera and imaging, the Honor 8X flaunts a 20MP rear shooter paired with 2MP depth sensing unit. The Realme 2 Pro debuts with a 16MP primary sensor and 2MP depth sensor. Lastly, the Redmi Note 5 Pro comes with a 15MP primary sensor and a 5MP secondary depth sensor. On the front, the Realme 2 Pro and Honor 8X come with 16MP front cameras. The Redmi Note 5 Pro bears a 20MP front snapper. All three of the phones come with face unlock capability.
The Honor 8X bears a price tag of Rs 14,999 for its entry-level variant of 4GB RAM and 64GB storage. The other two variants which come with 6GB RAM/64GB storage and 6GB RAM/128GB storage cost Rs 16,999 and Rs 18,999 respectively. The Honor 8X will be up on Amazon for sale starting October 24.
The Realme 2 Pro retails at a price of Rs 13,990 for the 4GB RAM option, whereas it costs Rs 15,990 for the 6GB RAM option and Rs 17,990 for the 8GB RAM variant. The phone is available for grabs via Flipkart. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro is also available on Flipkart and it costs Rs 14,999 for the entry level variant with 4GB of RAM, and Rs 16,999 for the 6GB RAM variant.