BSNL, at the India Mobile Congress (IMC), has announced a new partnership with Indian telecom gearmaker Vihaan Networks (VNL) to deploy an emergency mobile network in the event of a natural disaster. BSNL says that by developing an emergency mobile network will help track those trapped in a natural disaster, and it will even identify the trapped people with their names.
“Given that our country is prone to natural disasters, the availability and quick deployment of comprehensive communications solutions will help disaster management agencies mount faster and more reliable search and rescue operations. We are happy to partner with VNL for this,” BSNL Chairman and Managing Director Anupam Shrivastava said after signing the agreement document with VNL at India's first India Mobile Congress (IMC).
BSNL says that the solution, Relief 123, consists of a portable mobile station with 24-hour power backup and a solar panel attached to it for further support. This will surely help the people trapped in a natural disaster.
“There are three models of Relief 123 which can be deployed depending on the scale of operation and situation. It can have telecom network up and running in an hour. It will search people in the location with help of mobile signal even if the entire telecom network has collapsed in the area and show the name of the person trapped during the disaster,” VNL founder and Chairman Rajiv Mehrotra said.
Rajiv Mehrotra also stated that the network will be able to track the person within a location accuracy of 1-metre. Vihaan Networks said the solution will be 'deployed if and when required under the agreement. “By the end of this year, we hope to start shipment of this designed and made in India product to the US, Latin America and countries in South East Asia as well,” Mehrotra said.