Bharti Airtel is testing a new smart home monitoring service called ‘Airtel X-Safe’ for select customers in Delhi-NCR. According to sources, the pilot testing of the service has already begun, and it is available for Rs 99 per month or Rs 999 per year. Only select Airtel Xstream Fiber customers are being provided with the service for now. Airtel will provide the customers with three different cameras depending on their needs at an additional cost. There’s no limit to how many cameras customers can purchase from Airtel under the Airtel X-Safe service.
All the cameras offered by Airtel X-Safe are Wi-Fi enabled, meaning a fiber broadband connection at home can keep your cameras alive all the time. Further, the cameras can support night vision up to 30 metres and can deliver images and videos in H.265 format with advanced compression. There’s also support for privacy mode, and the cameras are IP67 rated, meaning weather resistant. Customers can choose both indoor as well as outdoor cameras.
Airtel X-Safe Service Brings Cloud Service Into Play
All of the data meaning videos and images taken by the camera are stored in Airtel Cloud, which can be retrieved anytime and anywhere by the customer from his/her mobile app. There’s an AI algorithm in place that can detect humans and send alerts. The best thing is, multiple people can access and control the camera simultaneously from their respective devices not only that Airtel wireline customers will have to pay a one-time cost for the camera range and a monthly subscription for the cloud storage that can be accessed through the mobile app.
One of the best features that will be available for the customers is ‘Perimeter Zoning’. If there’s even a tad bit of movement in the marked areas, customers will get real-time alerts. Users can also set the motion sensitivity levels for sending alerts. As mentioned above, all of these services will be available for customers for a mere Rs 99 per month or Rs 999 per year. Airtel X-Safe is one of a kind service and is not provided by any other telco in the country currently.