Airtel has five prepaid plans that are under Rs 50 in 2025. These are not plans that will give you service validity as all of them are data vouchers. These plans are meant to be recharged on top of active plans. Data vouchers of Bharti Airtel start at just Rs 11. These are plans meant to help users boost their data consumption. Let's take a look at their benefits, as these are the only plans that are under Rs 50 from Airtel for prepaid consumers.
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Airtel Prepaid Plans Under Rs 50 Detailed and Explained
Bharti Airtel Rs 11 Plan - The Rs 11 plan from Airtel comes with unlimited data, which is actually capped at 10GB and this plan will work for one hour.
Bharti Airtel Rs 22 Plan - The Rs 22 plan from Airtel comes with 1GB of data, and has a validity of one day.
Bharti Airtel Rs 26 Plan - The Rs 26 plan from Airtel comes with 1.5GB of data, and it also has a validity of one day.
Bharti Airtel Rs 33 Plan - The Rs 33 plan from Airtel comes with 2GB of data and also comes with 1 dayu's validity.
Bharti Airtel Rs 49 Plan - This Rs 49 plan from Airtel comes with unlimited data, which is capped at 20GB, and will work for one entire day.
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These are the only plans under Rs 50 for Airtel consumers. Airtel also brought new voice and SMS only plans recently. These data vouchers will work on top of these voice and SMS only plans. The new voice and SMS only plans from Airtel cost Rs 469 and Rs 1849. These two plans don't bundle any amount of data for the consumers. Thus, these affordable data vouchers can help users recharging with the voice and SMS only plans.