An Overview of Airtel’s Combo packs available to Customers across India as on Sep 2017

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In our earlier analysis, we have presented a bird's view of Idea cellular's combo packs available to customers across various circles as on September 2017. Now, in this analysis, in a similar manner, we will have a high-level overview of Airtel's, customized and open market combo packs available to customers across various circles as on *date.

Just like our earlier analysis, the combo packs considered offer a data benefit along with voice benefit as a minimum guarantee. Some combos considered might also *offer roaming/SMS/TT benefits as well.

Airtel Combo Sept 2017

Based on the incremental price tags, we have segregated the combo packs into 18 different price segments.
Combo Pack Validities (days): 28, 70, 84 and 90.
A combo pack is available at a starting price tag of 145 rupees while the highest combo pack is available at a price tag of 1200 rupees.

A combo pack in the starting price segment offers unlimited on net voice benefit + 1GB data with a validity of 28 days. A combo pack in the highest denomination is available at around 1200 rupees price segment and offers unlimited voice benefit along with 140GB data with a validity of 28 days.

Plan Notes:
1. T&C may apply to any of the plans as provided by the cellular operator.
2. SMS = 100 Free L+N /Day as per TRAI capping.
3. Data benefit = Overall ‘DATA’ benefit provided to a consumer irrespective of 2G/3G/4G differences. Based on the circle, the operator may provide DATA in any combination 2G/3G, 3G/4G or 4G/2G or 4G only benefit. Purposefully, the circle & Data Technology details are not presented in the article as it is out of the scope of this analysis.
4. Roaming = Include incoming + outgoing calls, termed as per the T&C of the cellular operator.
5. The same price tag may offer same or different benefits in different circles, the benefit differences if varied are considered while the same benefits are ignored.
6. MRP/Validity/Data Benefit are the three main parameters taken into consideration for any difference across circles to be used in the analysis.
7. Price segment considered is as per the nearest MRP of the pack. For easy segregation, MRP is rounded to the nearest value, and this has nothing to do with the offering of the operator.
8. The above pack information may also contain segmented, customized or open market offers as well.
9. Some packs may also offer SMS, Roaming benefits along with voice or data benefits.

Customers feel *cheated:  An INC reported by a Customer
Mistakes happen and they are acceptable keeping in mind of the constantly changing market dynamics and plans, but the customer falls victim in every possible case here.
1. On-screen pop-up notification: Outdated information availability
2. Customer Care: Information provided by the cc personnel on the availability of plan.
3. After Recharge Benefits.


1. Customer gets an offer 'A' notification,
2. Customer confirms with CC on the availability of 'A' offer.
3. Upon confirmation, the customer makes a recharge with the same denomination value.
4. Recharge Successful, but the customer gets a different benefit 'B'.
5. The customer feels cheated now and loses trust on the operator.

We understand the complexities involved but hope the operator at least makes necessary arrangements at the cc end and ensure a customer doesn't feel cheated. I personally have experienced many of such incidents on my numbers too. 

FYI: Sometimes, even the vice versa of the above case also happens. Customers get a higher benefit than the actual one.  Dear Readers, have you faced any of such technicalities in your case? What do you feel about the combo packs offers by Airtel? Do let us know via comments or you can tweet me @Srikapardhi. Please check with cc/my airtel app before opting for any of the packs discussed above.

Disclaimer: Manual work involved, may or may not contain errors. Information is taken from respective operators web resources and we do not guarantee the accuracy/correctness of this information. The web resources may or may not be updated to reflect the pack benefits as on date. Chances that we may also miss to consolidate some packs or information in this story. This information of combo packs put forward is just to have an understanding of the current market offerings from a particular operator. Any wrong information reported may or may not be corrected. Pack information as on Sept 12, 2017. *Incident, as reported by a customer, may or may not happen in your case. 

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Telecom Analyst

Passionately following the Indian #Telecom Industry for over a decade from Business, Consumer and a Technical perspective. My primary focus area is Consumer & Digital Experience.

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