Tata Play, a major Direct-to-Home (DTH) service provider in India has launched 'Bollywood Masala' for its customers. The new service is aimed at bringing the best from the 90s and 2000s to Bollywood fans in India. The service will be free for the first five days for customers so that they can get a taste of what 'Bollywood Masala' is. After that, to continue getting the service, customers will have to pay a small amount of Rs 2 per day. Tata Play has introduced the service in partnership with Shemaroo Entertainment.
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The Tata Play Bollywood Masala will have not just movies from the old era, but also celebrity interviews, talk shows, music, exclusively created shows, behind-the-scenes and more. It will enable the fans to relive the era in the best manner possible and be entertained. Movie titles such as Aashiqui, Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar, Roja, Khiladi, Andaz Apna Apna, Dil Chahta Hai, and more will be available for users.
Pallavi Puri, Chief Commercial and Content Officer at Tata Play said, "with Tata Play Bollywood Masala, we have created the ultimate movie destination for the fans of the 90’s and the 2000’s era. In this service, we have curated cult movies of the most celebrated actors of that time, in association with our partner Shemaroo. We are certain this iconic phase of Indian cinema will be a treat for all our subscribers."
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The Tata Play Bollywood Masala will be available for customers on channel number 311. As mentioned above, it will be charged at Rs 2 per day after the free trial period of five days is over. Apart from that, customers can also see the content from the new service on their Tata Play mobile app on Live TV and VOD.
Sandeep Gupta, COO of broadcasting business, Shemaroo Entertainment Limited, said, "We are happy to announce new dimensions to our continued partnership with Tata Play, marking the launch of a new ad-free service, Tata Play Bollywood Masala. This offering from Tata Play is a nostalgic treasure trove, featuring movies, songs, interviews, and captivating content from the 1990s and 2000s. With Tata Play Bollywood Masala, this legacy has further deepened and become even more special."