Reliance Jio has launched a series of new prepaid plans in the past few weeks. Now the telco has silently introduced another new prepaid plan worth Rs 3,499 for the customers. The plan was first spotted by the telecom expert Sudhakar who is also a part of our community. The Rs 3,499 plan is available for the users for 1 complete year, which is 365 days. Let’s take a complete look at the plan below.
Reliance Jio Rs 3499 Plan Details
Reliance Jio has silently launched the Rs 3,499 plan for its users. The plan can be seen on both the website and the mobile app of the telco. With this plan, users will get 3GB of daily data for 365 days. This means the total data offered by the plan is 1,095GB. Post consumption of FUP data for the day, the speed for the user will drop to 64 Kbps.
Further, users will get truly unlimited voice calling and 100 SMS/day with the plan. The additional benefits include JioTV, JioCinema, JioSecurity, JioCloud, and JioNews. Until now, the highest validity plan offered by Jio with 3GB daily data was the Rs 999 plan that came with a validity of 84 days.
This plan will clearly cater to the needs of the users who are looking for a long-term plan that offers more than 2GB of daily data. Further, Reliance Jio has become the first private operator in the country to offer 3GB daily data for 1 year. Until now, all the private operators, including Jio, Bharti Airtel, and Vodafone Idea, offered users 3GB daily data plans with a validity of 84 days.
Reliance Jio could have added other benefits such as a free subscription to Disney+ Hotstar VIP or bonus data to make the plan even more lucrative. The Rs 3,499 plan has become the most expensive prepaid plan from the telco with unlimited data and voice calling benefits.