Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has reintroduced the STV-398 for its users. To recall, the state-run telco introduced the plan back in January and was offering unlimited data, 100 SMS/day, and unlimited voice calling.
It was, however, limited to only the Chennai and Haryana circles. But now, BSNL has availed this plan for users across India. There is no difference in the benefits of the plan. It is available for 30 days and offers unlimited data without any speed restrictions, along with unlimited voice calling and 100 SMS/day.
Do note that this is a promotional offer from BSNL. It means that it is only available for a limited period. The telco has mentioned that it is available for grabs for the first 90 days from its launch. The STV-398 from BSNL will come into effect across India from April 10, 2021. Going by this date, the plan will be discontinued on July 9, 2021.
BSNL Prepaid Plans Launched Recently
BSNL also launched a series of new prepaid plans recently. The ‘PV-699’ and ‘PV-2399’, two promotional prepaid plans, were brought to effect on April 1, 2021. The ‘PV-699’ will be available until June 29, 2021, and ‘PV-2399’ will be available until May 30, 2021.
The ‘PV-699’ offers users 0.5GB daily data in addition to unlimited voice calling and 100 SMS/day for 180 days. The ‘PV-2399’ offers 3GB daily data with 100 SMS/day and unlimited calling with Eros Now subscription for 437 days.
Further, the telco regularised two plans starting April 1, 2021 - ‘STV-298’ and ‘FRC-249’. The STV-298 offers users 1GB daily data with unlimited voice calling and 100 SMS/day with a free subscription of Eros Now for 56 days.
The FRC-249, available only for new users, offers 1GB daily data, unlimited voice calling and 100 SMS/day for 60 days. Adding to this, BSNL also rationalised the FRC-108, which means that its benefits have changed. The FRC-108 will bring users 1GB of daily data with 500 SMS/day and unlimited voice calling. It will carry a validity of 28 days.