Xiaomi is set to unveil its flagship Mi Mix 2S on March 27 in China. The company has been teasing the specs and features of the upcoming device for quite some time, confirming Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC, AI-powered camera, among others. Though a number of leaks have given us specs, but the mystery surrounding the design of the phone remains unsolved. Now thanks to Xiaomi’s new teaser we get an idea regarding the design language of Mi Mix 2S. The Chinese phone maker released yet another teaser of the Mi MIX 2S on its Weibo account. The teaser not only reveals the design of the phone but also confirms the location of its launch event. Xiaomi will be taking wraps off the new device in Shanghai, China as per the image.
The image also shows that the handset will be sporting slim bezels at its top, left and right sides. The bottom bezel is not visible in the image. It is speculated that Xiaomi may choose to place the front camera on the bottom bezel just like its predecessor.
This was also confirmed by the leaked firmware files which revealed the front camera on the Mi Mix 2S is mounted on the bottom bezel. It is, hence, assumed the Mi Mix 2S would follow the same design language as its predecessor Mi Mix 2. However, the smartphone will certainly sport higher screen-to-body ratio than the previous phone.
As for the rear view, the recently leaked firmware files confirm a dual camera setup on the rear panel. According to firmware files obtained by XDA Developers, an official watermark with the words “Shot on Mi MIX 2S AI Dual Camera” reaffirm the dual camera module and also hint AI-focused capabilities in the camera.
In addition, a leaked photo of the Mi Mix 2S device posted on Weibo shows the phone with a vertical dual camera setup on the top left corner of the rear panel. The dual camera system appears resembles the one found on iPhone X and recently launched Redmi Note 5 Pro. A circular fingerprint scanner is also placed on the centre of the rear panel.
As for other specs, the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S is tipped to sport a 5.99-inch Full HD+ OLED display, the top-of-the-line Snapdragon 845 SoC, paired with up to 8GB of RAM and up to 256GB inbuilt storage. We will get more clarity on specifications and other features closer to the launch date.