boAt, a brand quite well-known for its audio products, announced the launch of its new flagship earphones called boAt Nirvanaa TRES in India. The Nirvanaa TRES has a sleek looking design with black and red accents. The lightweight design and components offer comfortable wearing and ensure long-term usage as per boAt. The earphones come with an in-line microphone and integrated controls. The standard noise cancelling feature enables undeterred sessions of music and trouble-free receiving of calls. This means users can either listen to music or talk. The Nirvanaa TRES earphones are priced at Rs 3990 and are available on Amazon India online store. Amazon is now offering a Rs 1000 discount on the earphones, so you can get Nirvanaa TRES for Rs 2990. The earphones come with a one-year national warranty.
The integrated controls allow for easy functioning of the earphones. The Nirvanaa TRES is equipped with standard play/pause button and volume up down buttons. The volume buttons also double down as previous and next track buttons. Now you can adjust volumes, pause/play, change tracks, and even answer calls with the integrated controls on board the earphones.
The highlight feature of the Nirvanaa TRES is its triple driver system which includes two 6mm dynamic drivers & one balanced armature driver. Placed on both ear moulds, the earphones deliver a sound effect in a wide Frequency range of 20Hz - 20000Hz.
boAt claims a dynamic driver is like tiny woofers and their armature driver is like a tiny tweeter. These three drivers help in providing a high-end surround sound system experience in your ears.
The boAt Nirvanaa TRES also offers "an amazing amalgamation of style with protection," as per the company. To ensure additional protection from the threat of corrosion, tear or damage, the earphones come with layers of superior tough wire coating. The company says the Nirvanaa TRES is designed with a perfect length cable which means users can have a tangle-free experience. boAt is known for offering flat cable earphones, and the same continues with the TRES as well.