Ways To Prevent SIM Card Misuse

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Gone are the days when someone used to steal our phones for the purpose of just a phone.

Ways To Prevent SIM Card Misuse

Yesterday when I went to a BSNL Regional Office for replacement of a defective SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) I came across an incident where a Customer is complaining to block his SIM as a thief who has stolen his 20 thousand Rupees phone left away his phone and took away only the SIM with him.

Now the customer is worried what the misshapen might happen. Though the complaint has been taken and recorded I asked the CC if really the SIM will be blocked?

The answer is “They get hundreds of SIM lost cases daily and if they keep on blocking the SIMs it wastes them a lot of time and resources also some mischief people might falsely complain and try to block other people numbers incase if they know their details. So, we don’t usually”.

Imagine what will be the condition of the customer who lost his SIM, phone or both and the same SIM is found to be used in a Bomb blast, harassing a girl/boy or any illegal act? Who would the police suspect or responsible for this?

Although the police, SIM Vendors and the Telecom Companies are trying their part we want our TT readers never to face such problems and this Post is dedicated to every mobile user who is reading and we strongly encourage our readers to spread the word till every Indian Mobile user locks their SIM cards and keeps safe.

To start off, we need to know a few technical terms:

1. PIN or PIN1 (Both are same, shows up depending on your mobile -Personal Identification Number)

2. PIN2

3. PUK/PUK2 or PUC (Both are same)-PIN Unblocking Key/Code for PIN/PIN2

4. SIM Number - The SIM card’s Number comprising of 19 Digits or even Letters sometimes is your unique SIM number printed on backside of SIM card often required to give information for PUK enquiry/Theft/lost damaged purposes.

The Personal Unblocking Key (PUK/PUK2) code is an eight digit code specific to your SIM card (Not Mobile Number) and is required when the PIN/PIN2 code is entered incorrectly three times on your mobile.

You're given 10 attempts to enter the PUK code once you finish your 10 attempts after the 3 PIN attempts your SIM card will be blocked permanently and become useless.You can no way use it thereafter.

A PIN is used to just lock/Unlock the SIM card whenever you switch on/off your device or change your Mobile So that you can prevent unauthorized use of your Number. Only the person who knows the PIN number of your SIM can only unlock and use it.

So, we encourage all our readers to enable PIN Code request on feature in your devices so that you can stay peaceful whenever you lost your phone/SIM.

The default* PIN number for most of the operators will be 0000 or 1234.You can find the PIN code request feature in the device security settings. You need to change the default PIN numbers to your choice so that no one can unlock the SIM.

But most importantly, when changing your PIN codes make sure you remember because you are the one who changed it and expect no help from operators. They can only provide you with a PUK code in such cases as you changed its default Code.

If  you on/off your device regularly you might feel the pain in entering the PIN but it’s better to be on the safe side before anything bad happens. I also warn you to inform about this Security feature if activated and in case if you are giving your mobile to your friends or relatives for temporary use so you can prevent their PIN wrong attempts.

Coming to PIN2 this is a feature which even the Customer care people of the Telecom Companies are not aware of. Using PIN2 you can restrict the Numbers to which you can make calls i.e. enabling FIXED DIALING. So that you can even give children a phone without being worried about whom they are talking by only enabling parent’s numbers in the FIXED DIALING option.

Unfortunately, the Telecom Companies are not encouraging this wonderful feature. Don’t know if they are really not aware of or they don’t want users to use it.

Whenever I called and asked the CC representatives about PIN2 or PUK2 they say “Sorry Sir, there is No feature called PIN2 or PUK2 we have and can only provide PIN or PUK number for your sim card.”

As if I am a dumb person they also informed me that PIN2 or PUK2 is something related to Mobile Device Manufacturer and not to Telecom Operator and oh, thanks for their advice.

Now TT Readers I strongly say PIN/PIN2/PUK/PUK2 are all related to a sim card and only to Network Operator.

And oh I’m happy with my BSNL and AIRTEL (Not tried to risk with the rest as I already blocked my TD SIM PIN2) Numbers* as they have their PIN1and PIN2 default codes same so that I can use FIXED DIALING and at the same time lock my SIM when lost.

*Note: Dear Readers you SIM card (BSNL/AIRTEL) might not have the same PIN/PIN2 codes as I have mentioned my experience and try it at your own risk TelecomTalk will not take any responsibility for your wrong doing .

Check default PIN numbers with your operator.

Luckily even if your PIN2 blocks and you have not entered PUK2 anything happens to your SIM services, you can still enjoy services on your SIM. The only disadvantage is you will not be able to use Fixed Dialing feature unless PUK2 is entered.

I hope at least now after reading this article Telecom Operators provide PUK/PIN2/PUK2 codes in their Self-care portals or services.

We now would like to know if anyone has tried the PIN/PIN2 features and what are your personal experiences do share your views via comments?

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Telecom Analyst

Passionately following the Indian #Telecom Industry for over a decade from Business, Consumer and a Technical perspective. My primary focus area is Consumer & Digital Experience.

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