Bombay HC urged Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) to list down the instructions of deferment of the new NTO 2.0. The supreme bench ordered similar instructions back in 2017 regime where Trai deferred NTO before the Madras High court. According to the sources, Trai has been instructed to submit an action plan for the deferment of NTO 2.0 before the hearing which is scheduled on February 27. The court also noted that “For interim relief, a detailed argument will have to be canvased. Considering all the complex issues involved, it may not be possible to hear all the parties and pass orders within two days”. However, Trai slightly opposed the decision of interim relief.
Bombay HC Plans to Provide Interim Relief
As per the sources, the supreme bench also marked that “Why it can’t be deferred for one more month within which the court can complete the hearing. However, if it cannot be deferred for one more month, then the court will decide on the matter of interim relief tomorrow itself.” Trai’s council team will take all the necessary instructions from Trai on the deferment of NT0 2.0 just like they deferred NTO before Madras High Court.
Trai brings out Impugned Provisions
Trai modified certain provisions of the new price regime at the beginning of 2020, which was implemented last year. There were two essential provisions rolled out by Trai. Firstly, Trai marked that the sum of a-la-carte rates of the pay channels (MRP) forming the structure, in any case, must not exceed one and half times of the price of the structure of which such channels are a part. Secondly, the a-la-carte rates of each pay channel (MRP) which are forming the bouquet, must not exceed three times average rate of a pay channel of the bouquet for which such pay channels are part. Trai already asked broadcasters and DPO’s to take steps which would ensure smooth functioning of the new tariff order from March 1. Also, broadcasters and DPO’s have to push all the required information on their official website to give consumers enough time to select their preferred channels.