Shazam Lets Users Share Content on Instagram Stories Directly

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Instagram has been working on improving its stories for quite some time now. In line with that, the photo-sharing social media platform has now introduced a new feature. It has come together with Shazam, to let users on the music app share content as Instagram Stories. The new feature will reportedly come to iOS users first and then eventually roll out to the Android. Instagram has been working on music and video related features for stories for the past couple of months now.


It now introduced a range of new features lately including the automatic 15-sec video editor feature. The has also been working with a lot of third-party applications like Spotify, Eventbrite, and SoundCloud to bring new features and improve the user experience. The latest partnership is with Shazam, the music platform which Apple acquired recently. The new feature lets users on Shazam share content they want to their Instagram Stories directly. Shazam is reportedly going to be ad-free very soon, however, as of now, there's no official statement regarding the same.

How Does the Feature Work?

Firstly, ensure to have an Instagram account and update to the latest versions of Instagram and Shazam. Then open the updated Shazam and select the song you want to share with your Instagram friends. You'll see a Share option in Shazam, click on that and share the song. After sharing you will be able to see the Instagram icon on Shazam.

After sharing the song with Instagram friends, Instagram will show 'More on Shazam' option on its platform that will take you back to the Shazam app. The More on Shazam option will bring you back to the page from where you shared the song to Insta story.

This Feature is Rolling Out to iOS Users First

Some media reports suggest that this new feature will first roll out to iOS users and later on the Android. As of now, Instagram hasn't officially announced when will the feature roll out to the users. In recent times, the photo-sharing app has been coming with a whole range of new features. The latest one is a tool to limit bullying and spread kindness.

Announcing the feature, Instagram noted, "Today we’re announcing our latest tools to help combat bullying, including a new way to identify and report bullying in photos. We’re also introducing a camera effect to help spread kindness in Stories."

The photo-sharing app also launched a new feature to help people on Instagram connect with their college friends. The feature is called nametag. "Nametag is a customisable identification card that allows people to find your Instagram profile when it’s scanned".

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