Nokia is set to make its presence felt at the India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2024, scheduled to take place from October 15-18 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. As the event's official Sustainability Partner, Nokia announced that it will showcase technologies spanning 5G, 6G, AI/ML, and network infrastructure, all aimed at driving innovation and promoting a sustainable future.
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The company's exhibits will feature solutions across its three core business segments: Mobile Networks (MN), Cloud and Network Services (CNS), and Network Infrastructure (NI). Demonstrations will include AI-powered 6G, energy-efficient networks, advanced cybersecurity, and quantum-safe technologies.
Nokia will also highlight AI-enabled smart manufacturing and industrial safety solutions from startup partners like ViXR and WhoVR.
Key highlights include:
- AI-powered 6G: Optimising CSI with AI/ML to enhance cell-edge performance.
- Energy efficiency: Reducing network power consumption and CO2 emissions.
- Cybersecurity with GenAI: Strengthening defences against threats in 5G networks.
- Quantum-safe networks: Future-proofing networks against quantum computing threats.
- AI in enterprise operations: Automating processes to boost efficiency.
- Smart manufacturing: Leveraging AI/ML for industrial optimisation and safety.
Mobile Networks (MN) Showcase
This segment will feature demonstrations of AI-powered 6G, atmospheric ducts in radio networks, energy efficiency solutions (covering hardware, software, and services), next-gen RAN solutions, performance innovations in 5G Advanced, and RedCap technology.
Cloud and Network Services (CNS) Showcase
Highlights from this segment will include programmable network monetisation, autonomous slice monetisation, cybersecurity operations powered by advanced GenAI, and sustainable operations with Nokia AVA.
Network Infrastructure (NI) Showcase
Nokia will present its NI solutions under three strategic themes:
- Grow Your Business and Expand Your Network: Featuring Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) with sub-6 and mmWave technology, Wi-Fi 6 devices and the Corteca Marketplace, and Fiber for Everything (PON).
- Protect Against Outages and Threats: Highlighting Nokia Deepfield Defender + Routers to accelerate and improve DDoS mitigation, Multi-Access Gateway, and Quantum-Safe Networks.
- Optimise Operations, Cut Costs, and Reduce Power Usage: Showcasing PSE-6s + WaveSuite, NSP Zero-Touch Provisioning, automation use cases, the 7730 SXR, and AI for enterprise operations.
Cross-Business Group and Startup Partner Showcase
This segment will highlight sustainability efforts, AI-powered smart manufacturing, and visual AI for industrial safety in collaboration with startup partner ViXR. Nokia will also showcase "Celebrating India’s Heritage," an immersive VR/AR experience in partnership with startup WhoVR, allowing visitors to explore ancient knowledge through virtual and augmented reality.
Nokia emphasised that its sustainability efforts will take center stage as it works towards its global goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040.