LG has launched their new L series smartphones in India - the Optimus L7, L5 and L3. These sleek hi-tech phones run on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, except for L3 which runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread. The LG Optimus L7 is priced at Rs.19900, L5 at Rs.13199 and L3 at Rs.8895.
The new L series smartphones are carved around LG’s design philosophy comprises of five aesthetic elements- Modern Square Style for an easy and comfortable grip, Floating Mass Technology for that sleek look, Seamless Layout, Harmonized Design Contrast and Sensuous Slim Shape.
LG Optimus L7 :
The GL Optimus L7 has a 4.3 inch bright NOVA display and a 5 megapixel camera with continuous auto focus. The phone is undeniably stylish, with its sleek body and a large screen. L7 packs intelligent features with its stylish design. The smartphone runs on the latest Android v4 Ice Cream Sandwich and has a resolution of 800x 480 pixels. The phone also has an internal storage of 4GB. You can also enjoy your favorite channels with LG mobile TV Free for 2 months.
LG Optimus L5 :
With a slim body measuring only 9.5mm, the phone packs a powerful performance with superb display. L5 too runs on Google Android’s latest version Ice Cream Sandwich. The smartphone is a star performer and has a 4.0 inch display. L5 also boasts about LG’s new User Experience (UX) with QuickMemoTM which allows users the ability to instantly jot memos or notes from any screen without having to open a separate application
LG Optimus L3 (Dual SIM and Single SIM both options) :
Optimus L3 is LG’s budget smartphone which inherits most of the features and designs of its L series siblings. This pocket sized smartphone sports a 3.2inch screen and a 3 megapixel camera. The phone runs on Android Gingerbread and has a 1500 mAh battery. The phone also has an internal memory of 1GB. The phone is designed around LG’s design philosophy and therefore is sleek and extremely lightweight. Also catch your favorite programs while you are on move.