Reliance Jio today announced the launch of the world’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI) based brand engagement platform, dubbed as JioInteract. The first of many services to be launched on this platform is the Live Video Call that features India’s favourite celebrities. To start the new platform, Jio has on-boarded Bollywood’s star, Amitabh Bachchan, who will promote his upcoming comedy-drama film ‘102 Not Out’ on the newly launched JioInteract service. Jio says that with its user base of over 186 million subscribers and another 150 million smartphone users, JioInteract is all set to become the largest platform for movie-promotion and brand engagement. Over the next few weeks, Jio said that it would introduce services such as video call centres, video catalogue, and virtual showrooms to redefine the customer experience.
"Such use of artificial intelligence is a first across the world and will reposition the way brands, and customers think of engagement," said Jio in a media statement.
Talking about the JioInteract's Live Video Call service, it will allow all Jio and other smartphone subscribers to make a video call with Amitabh Bachchan anytime during the day, starting from May 4, 2018. During the video call, users can ask questions related to his upcoming comedy movie, 102 Not Out and can even book their movie tickets in real-time through the ticketing-partner BookMyShow.
To use the service, a user has to download the MyJio application and click the JioInteract icon inside the app. Then the users will be taken to the live video calling interface and chat with Amitabh Bachchan. Additionally, there's a 'Share' option which will allow users to share their live video call experience with their family and friends.
"This unique and innovative service uses a powerful artificial intelligence-based platform to listen to user questions and respond to them in the most appropriate way," added the telco.
In addition, the JioInteract platform has a unique auto-learning feature that helps improve the answering accuracy. JioInteract is introduced aiming to create a compelling brand engagement solution for businesses.
The JioInteract service works on VCBaaS (Video Call Bot as a Service). Jio says that the service, with its full-scale multimedia capabilities, attempts to democratise Artificial Intelligence & Video Call technologies in a simplified way for effective brand engagement. This technology has wide scale applications across B2C space.
Using VCBaaS, Jio is also tapping developer ecosystem to create applications like virtual showrooms, product demonstrations, ordering cart for e-commerce, etc.