India's National Telecom backbone Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) launched its 3G GSM mobile and High Speed Wireless Internet services (3G Data services) in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar in Gujrat Telecom circle.
BSNL 3G services was inaugurated by Mr. Satya Pal, Chief General Manager (CGMT), BSNL Gujarat circle in a grand launching ceremony.
Speaking on the launch of 3G services in Gujarat, Mr. Satya Pal said BSNL 3G Mobile and High Speed Data Services are now available in state capital GandhiNagar and Ahemdabad city and BSNL would cover 61 cities and towns including all District headquarters across Gujarat by September-2010.
The 3G services will provide High quality multimedia features like video calling, high speed Internet browsing up to 3.6 Mbps through Mobile phone/Data Cards (modem) and also subscribers can enjoy Live Mobile TV & VoIP services on 3G Compatible mobile phone.
BSNL 2G Prepaid customers of Gujarat can migrate to 3G by recharging with a Special tariff Voucher (STV) of Rs.21 or just send SMS, ‘ACT3G’ to 53733 following which Rs.21 will deducted from their balance and they will be migrated to 3G for a period of 30 days. These migrated customers can experience Video Calling, High Speed Internet, Mobile TV etc at 3G charges while retaining their 2G Voice Plan. Prepaid subscriber also allow to migrate in 3G Plan-120 by sending SMS ‘ M3G120 ' to ‘ 53733'.
BSNL 2G Postpaid customers in Gujarat have to pay additional Rs.25 only per month to avail 3G services over and above their 2G services. The existing 2G Postpaid customers can also send SMS, ‘M3G25’ to 53733. They can also approach customer service centers to subscribe 3G services .
BSNL also offers high-speed mobile Internet access for PCs and Laptops through the USB Datacard subscription which comes with free all India roaming including Mumbai & Delhi. Convenient 3G data plans ranging from Rs.249 to Rs.2499 are available with both Postpaid & Prepaid options.To give the customers firsthand experience of 3G, Trial Packs have also been launched. As an introductory offer, local and national video calls from home LSA will be charged @30p/min.