Country’s top telecom operator Bharti Airtel has launched its 4G services (also called LTE) in Salem, Tamil Nadu. After launching its 4G services, the company claims to have received a compelling response in Chennai, Pondy, Vellore, Trichy, Madurai, Coimbatore, Tirupur and Tirunelveli. Airtel 4G is available to customers across a range of smart devices, including mobile phones, dongles, 4G hotspots and Wi-Fi dongles.
George Mathen, Hub CEO – Kerala and Tamil Nadu, Bharti Airtel, said, “As customers in India show an increasing propensity for consuming data services, we at Airtel are excited to take the lead in introducing the market to the power of blazing 4G speeds. We recently launched “Project Leap”, our national network transformation drive, and look forward to augmenting our 4G presence to more regions like Salem and deliver a compelling network experience for our customers now and in years to come”.
Airtel had launched India’s first 4G network in Kolkata in April 2012 and on August 6 2015, it announced that its 4G services were available in 296 towns across India. Prior to that, Airtel had successfully conducted trials of its 4G services in select cities and leveraged feedback from customers towards strengthening its service experience.