Reliance Jio, India's largest telecom operator, has seven annual prepaid plans for customers. Most of these plans were added recently and come bundled with OTT (over-the-top) benefits. The seven plans here start at Rs 2545 and range up to Rs 2999. This would be a good time to mention that the Rs 2545 plan is actually not an annual plan because it comes with a validity of 336 days, which is just a few days short of one complete year. Regardless, it would be unfair to leave this plan out of this list because it offers almost a year-long validity. Let's check out the benefits of these plans.
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Reliance Jio Annual Prepaid Plans for Mobile Customers
Before we talk about what you get with the annual prepaid plans from Reliance Jio, we will list all the benefits that are common with all of them. All the plans come with unlimited 5G data offer, unlimited voice calling, 100 SMS/day, and Jio apps (JioCinema, JioCloud, and JioTV).
Now, let's see what is different about all these plans. With the Rs 2545 plan, users get 336 days of service validity and 1.5GB of daily data. There are no additional OTT benefits included with this one.
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With the Rs 2999 plan, users get 2.5GB of daily data and its validity is 365 days, however, for Diwali, users will get 23 days of additional validity. Note that this additional validity benefit has been there for a long time now. Then there's the Rs 3225 plan, which comes with 2GB of daily data and a validity of 365 days. The additional benefit included with this one is ZEE5, which can be accessed via the JioTV app.
The Rs 3226 plan, next on the list, comes with a validity of 365 days and 2GB of daily data as well, but with this one, the additional benefit that the consumer gets is of SonyLIV via the JioTV app. Then you have the Rs 3227 plan, which also comes with 2GB of daily data and 365 days validity, but here, the additional benefit changes to the Prime Video Mobile Edition subscription for one year.
If you want a Disney+ Hotstar Mobile subscription for one year, then you can go for the Rs 3178 plan from Jio which comes with 2GB of daily data and has a validity of 365 days. The last plan on the list is the Rs 3662 plan with which the user gets 2.5GB of daily data for 365 days and the additional benefits included with this plan are SonyLIV and ZEE5, both of which can be accessed through the JioTV app.