Tata Docomo, in order to retain the existing subscriber base is providing some excellent prepaid tariff plans ranging from Rs 82 to Rs 499 with unlimited daily data benefit, unlimited voice calls and unlimited SMS. The telco, which announced a merger with Bharti Airtel is providing an excellent Rs 499 prepaid tariff plan in the country, under which it's providing benefits of 126GB of 3G data, unlimited voice & SMS. But the sad part is the data is limited to 3G network, and in most of the circles, the Tata Docomo has tied with Bharti Airtel for Intra Circle Roaming agreement. So Docomo can only 3G and not 4G services in the circles.
The Rs 499 prepaid plan from Tata Docomo is valid for both existing as well as new customers. Docomo is giving the data benefit of 1.4GB data per day, which turns to 126GB for 90 days. Post the daily limit of 1.4GB; users will be charged at 10 paise per MB. All the users using this plan will receive free voice calling benefit of 250 minutes per day and post the FUP, they'll be charged by Docomo at 30 paise per minute.
Lastly, SMS will be free till 100 SMS per day and users can't send more than 100 SMS per day because of Trai's restrictions. This plan is currently applicable in circles of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, UP East, UP West, Orissa, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Mumbai, Kerala & Lakshadweep and Rajasthan.
There are a few more points which need to be noted here according to Tata Docomo's website. This plan is purely intended for the non-commercial user and the roaming outgoing, incoming calls will be free on Tata Docomo's own sites, and on other networks, they will be charged as per the base tariff plan.
For new users, the base call rates of 30 paise per minute and ten paise per MB data rate will be applicable for 180 days from the date of recharge.