The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) will examine Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio’s Happy New Year offer that provides free voice and 4G services to its existing and new customers till March 31, 2017. The Trai chairman R S Sharma said that the regulator will look into the offer. “Every tariff that is filed before us is examined. We will come up with our response at appropriate time," he was quoted as saying.
Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani on Thursday announced extension of free domestic voice calls and data till March 31, 2017.
A telecom operator can run a promotional offer for a maximum period of 90 days, according to existing regulations by the regulator. According to an ET report, legal experts say that “while each offer must end within 90 days, it can be replaced with a similar plan under a different name with some tweaks”
In October this year, the Trai had said that Reliance Jio can’t offer its free service beyond December 4, maintaining that promotional offers cannot exceed a period of 90 days. It had made the observation following a representation by incumbent telecom operators against Jio's promotional offer of free voice, which they alleged was violating the regulator's tariff order.
Reliance Jio had launched commercial services on September 5 with the launch of Welcome offer, which is now being converted into 'Jio Happy New Year’ for over 52 million customers in the country.
However, the latest plan comes come with a Fair Usage Policy (FUP) which will cap data for Jio customers at around 1 GB per day, against 4 GB per day data usage. Data speed will slow down substantially to 128 kbps after hitting the FUP limit of 1 GB per day.
Also : ‘Happy New Year’ Says Reliance Jio; Extends Welcome Offer Till March 2017
Jio has also launched out two new data top-up vouchers for its prepaid and postpaid customers to increase data speeds after meeting the newly introduced FUP limit of 1 GB 4G data a day.
Also : Reliance Jio Introduced Two New Recharge Packs if You Exceed your 1GB Daily Quota
The first plan costs Rs 51, which gives Jio customers 1GB of data with 24 hours of validity, while the second plan costs Rs 301, which gives Jio customers 6 GB of data with 28 days validity.