OnePlus had been teasing about an upcoming luxurious accessory for the OnePlus 2. Yesterday, the company launched the Hard Graft Wild Phone Case for the OnePlus 2 smartphone at an insane price of $100 (Rs. 6,635 approx.).
The case has been designed by Italian designers at Hard Graft, which is a pioneer at making leather accessories for devices. The leather case for the OnePlus 2 has been crafted with genuine ash grey washed and tanned leather that gives the case an attractive look.
The leather used is buttery soft and gets softer with time and provides good enough protection to the device underneath. Also, the case is lined with fine wool, which in turn does not let fingerprints marks stay on it. There are two pockets tucked inside it so that users can carry their cards along.
It can be bought online from the official website of OnePlus, at a price of $100. It would be interesting to see how many buyers turn up to buy this rather costly case for a $389 smartphone. Having said that, people do buy costly accessories for their gadgets, but the niche segment of buyers of OnePlus 2 may not go overboard after all it is all about the affordability, right?