WhatsApp PLUS users banned from using Whatsapp for 24 hours

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Whatsapp is the most extensively used Messaging application in the world and the fact that it has some limitations when it comes to the size of the file that can be sent over gave rise to a modded version of the application called the Whatsapp Plus. The modded app removed all the restrictions and used the Whatsapp servers.

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The users of Whatsapp Plus have suddenly received a jolt when Whatsapp banned the members for using the modded version and then further suggested them to download the original version. Here is a Tweet from our reader who faced a ban


The use of Whatsapp plus clearly abuses the Terms and Conditions and the company further believe that it has no controls over the privacy of the users data. The first lot of users to be affected were from India and the worst part is uninstalling the application and reinstalling the official Whatsapp has not removed the ban.

The banned members screen shows a countdown timer that says the ban is effective for 24 hours. Although the ban is temporary it will still be a rather irritating thing. Whatsapp plus is infact very famous and is actually a projection of how Whatsapp can actually improve the official application. Recently even Facebook started to weed out the third-party applications. Have been affected by the Whatsapp ban if yes let us know in the comments below


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Mahit Huilgol is a Mechanical Engineering graduate and is a Technology and Automobile aficionado. He ditched the Corporate boardroom wars in the favor for technology battle ground. He is also a foodie by heart and loves both the edible chips and non-edible silicon chips.

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