Vodafone Launches Four New Full Talk Time Recharge in Orissa

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Vodafone, one of India's leading GSM Mobile service providers, today announced four new Full Talk-Time Recharge value plans for its prepaid customers in Orissa.

Vodafone users can now choose from a range of recharge packs priced at Rs 17, Rs 50 and Rs 111 and Rs 222 to enjoy full talk time recharge.

Vodafone prepaid customers can recharge with Rs. 17 and Rs. 50 for a full talktime of the same amount, while with a recharge of Rs. 111 and Rs. 222 they can avail a talk time of Rs 120 and Rs 250 respectively. The recharge pack of Rs. 17 comes with a validity of two days while the other packs are top-up.

The recharge packs aim to offer attractive price propositions with superior GSM network to customers at economical rates. The new recahrges are available at all Vodafone Stores, Mini stores and retailers across Orissa.

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