POCO just launched the POCO X7 Pro in India. While the device is yet to make it into the hands of the customers, on paper, its specifications make it look like the ultimate midranger. We are categorising mid-range devices as phones in the Rs 20,000 to Rs 30,000 segment. POCO X7 Pro packs in all the power at a very reasonable price. Since we have not experienced the camera, we won't make a comment on how good or bad it is. But one thing is for sure, you shouldn't expect a premium or flagship level camera experience. But at the price segment, how well is it doing against other devices in camera, we can't say as we haven't tested the device. However, the specifications on paper feel like it is a device you must consider at this price range. Let's take a look at what the device is like.
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POCO X7 Pro: Why Does it Look So Good?
POCO X7 Pro comes in three colours - Nebular Green, Obsidian Black, and Yellow (signature POCO colour). The device has a 6.67-inch display with 2712 x 1220 pixels resolution support. It basically has a 1.5K pOLED display with support for Dolby Vision and supports 1920Hz PWM dimming, which is pretty good. There's also support for 3200nits of peak brightness. The screen has Corning Gorilla Glass 7i for protection. For further protection, the device comes with IP66, IP68, and IP69 rating to ensure it lasts tough conditions.
The device runs on HyperOS 2.0, and packs next-gen AI (artificial intelligence) features. POCO X7 Pro is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 8400 Ultra SoC. This is a chip more capable than Qualcomm Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 in CPU performance. The chip is clocked at 3.25 GHz and can perform almost every task you need it to smoothly.
There's up to 12GB of LPDDR5X RAM and UFS 4.0 256GB of internal storage. One highlight of the smartphone is that it packs a massive battery of 6550mAh battery with support for 90W fast-charging. The smart charging tech inside the device ensures that it can deliver reliable performance at extreme temperatures as low as -20 degree celsius.
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In the camera department, the POCO X7 Pro has a 50MP Sony LYT-600 primary camera with OIS support and an 8MP ultra-wide-angle sensor. There's support for 2x lossless zoom available for users. For selfies, there's a 20MP sensor at the front.
POCO X7 Pro will go on sale in India on January 14, 2025. It will be available on Flipkart and the official Xiaomi retail stores. The device is priced at Rs 27,999 for the 8GB+256GB storage and Rs 29,999 for the 12GB+256GB variant. There's a Rs 2,000 discount also available with select bank credit cards.
The POCO X7 Pro is one of the most powerful devices in India in 2025 under Rs 30,000. It has support for AI features, has a very capable chipset, and a decent display.