Microsoft-backed OpenAI reportedly sought to block India's largest media organisations, including those owned by Gautam Adani and Mukesh Ambani, from joining a copyright lawsuit that could shape AI regulations in the country. The case, initially filed by news agency ANI, has expanded as book publishers and nearly a dozen digital media outlets accuse OpenAI of using copyrighted content without permission to train its AI models. OpenAI, however, maintains that its ChatGPT service only disseminates publicly available information under fair use principles, according to a Reuters report.
Also Read: ANI Sues OpenAI Over Alleged Copyright Violation by ChatGPT: Report
OpenAI's Legal Defense
India is OpenAI's second-largest market by number of users, after the United States. According to the report, earlier on Tuesday, OpenAI had in a filing sought to dismiss the book publisher's case, saying its ChatGPT service only disseminates public information.
Later in court, OpenAI lawyer Amit Sibal said he would oppose the bid by media organisations to join the case. "I have an objection, I wish to file a reply," Sibal reportedly told the court, referring to a written reply he would submit with reasoning in due course. The court is set to hear the matter next in February.
Also Read: Dow Jones, New York Post Sue Perplexity AI for Copyright Infringement: Report
According to the report, OpenAI asserts that it only uses publicly available data in a manner protected by fair use principles. In its initial response to the ANI case, OpenAI also argued that Indian judges have no jurisdiction over the matter since its servers are located abroad.
Publisher's Allegations
OpenAI has also challenged a separate lawsuit by book publishers, arguing that ChatGPT does not reproduce copyrighted material illegally. The Federation of Indian Publishers claims that the AI tool generates book summaries and extracts from unlicensed copies, which impacts their business.
During Tuesday's hearing, OpenAI's lawyer, Sibal, engaged in a debate with opposing attorneys regarding media coverage of the lawsuit, according to the report.
Also Read: New York Times Sues OpenAI and Microsoft in Copyright Clash Over AI Training: Report
OpenAI objected to articles appearing in media which were based on interviews and non-public court applications of book publishers and Indian news groups, saying "reliefs are being pursued in two courts, this court and the public court."
The Federation of Indian Publishers, which represents numerous Indian firms as well as companies like Bloomsbury and Penguin Random House, has reportedly argued that ChatGPT generates book summaries and excerpts from unauthorised online copies, hurting their business. OpenAI has denied this allegation.
Media Groups' Involvement
In a separate development, according to the report, digital news divisions of India's largest media groups, including the Indian Express and Hindustan Times, have requested to join the lawsuit, claiming that ChatGPT has been scraping content from their news websites to store and reproduce their material for its users.