BBK Electronics-owned Vivo today said that it has invested about Rs 200 crore in its Greater Noida facility. With this new investment, Vivo has ramped up the local manufacturing capacity and the company now produces over 2 million units every month. The company, which has already invested about Rs 300 crore in the plant, has also added surface-mount technology (SMT) lines to the unit.
"The facility has increased production to more than 2 million units per month, reiterating Vivo's commitment to 'Make in India'. The newly added SMT lines are catering to the growing demand for Vivo smartphones in the country, including flagship devices like NEX and X21," Vivo said in a statement.
With more than 5,000 employees, the plant has an annual capacity of manufacturing 25 million products. Besides manufacturing, the facility houses a 'Test Lab' where the products undergo more than 1,000 stringent levels of quality and durability tests.
"Our latest flagship - the Vivo Nex - has been manufactured at this facility which has been made possible through our consistent efforts and commitment towards making the region a manufacturing hub for our smartphones," Vivo India Chief Marketing Officer Jerome Chen said to PTI.
Besides Vivo X21 and Vivo Nex, Vivo will continue to manufacture and assemble smartphones in India across its category and price segments, it said.
According to research firm IDC, Vivo ranked third in the Indian smartphone market in terms of shipments with 12.6% share, after Xiaomi (29.7%) and Samsung (23.9%) in June 2018 quarter.