Google launched the Android P Beta 3 (Developer Preview 4) for its Pixel phones earlier this month. The Nokia 7 Plus and Essential PH-1 smartphones were the devices which received the update first. Now OnePlus 6 has become another addition to the list of devices receiving a new Android P Beta build. OnePlus has now released the Android P Beta 2 (Developer Preview 3) for OnePlus 6 users. This new Beta build brings on-board bug fixes, system stability, and improvements. Previous issues involving camera and hotspot have been fixed, and the update accompanies the July security patch. The app switcher has also gone through a redesign, with changes in colour scheme and launcher.
However, OnePlus does warn its users that the update comes with power consumption, and Bluetooth connectivity issues, therefore, users should proceed with caution. Also, as is the case with other beta builds, some of the apps might malfunction this beta build.
How to Install Android P Beta 2 on OnePlus 6
Like every time, OnePlus has posted a detailed guide on its website for installing the latest update on their OnePlus 6 phone. The site also clearly highlights that this update is "best suited for developers and early adopters." You should back up your data before going ahead with the installation.
After that, you will be required to download the ROM upgrade package from the website. After you download, copy the ROM package to your phone storage. After that, head over to Settings > System updates > Top right corner icon > Local upgrade > Click on the installation package > select Immediately upgrade > System upgrade to 100%.
You will now need to press the power button and shut down. Now, using the combination of power button + volume down button, enter into recovery mode. Select Wipe data/factory reset and click power, select Yes to confirm. Lastly, click on Reboot system to complete the update.
The highlight of the Developer version is that it will allow the developers to test their applications on the phone against features like multi-camera support, display cutout, enhanced notifications, ImageDecoder, and TextClassifier among others. Google has also said that the latest build of Android P Beta is very close to the final version which the users will get to see this year.