Motorola has initiated the roll out of Android 6.0 Marshmallow update for its Moto G (3rd Gen) smartphone. The update surfaced in the US and Canada region as of now. Motorola’s Senior Director of Software Product Management, David Schuster has confirmed that the company has already commenced the soak test for Android 6.0 update in India and Brazil. It means that we can expect the update to roll out in India in the upcoming weeks.
Amit Boni General Manager, Motorola India, in his recent interview hinted that the company will soon begin the update roll out for the Moto G (3rd Gen) in India. Motorola announced Android 6.0 Marshmallow update for the Moto X Style in India last month. Moto X Play also got the Android 6.0 update a few weeks ago.
Here is a heads up about the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update for the Moto G (3rd Gen). The version for the update has been named as v24.11.25, which is 460MB in size. The update brings along the latest Android security (December) update. In October, Motorola promised Android 6.0 update for many of its smartphones, which now includes the Moto E (2nd Gen) 4G too. However, the update for the Moto E (2nd Gen) 4G will be limited to Canada, Latin America, Europe and Asia (barring China).
The Android 6.0 Marshmallow update will bring in a host of features such as overhauled app permissions, Google Now on Tap, battery-smart features, Android Pay, and many more. For all those wondering, why do companies run a soak test? Well, soak tests are like pilot surveys that are conducted on a select group. On the basis of the feedback collected from the tester community, the company makes required changes (fixes bugs if any) and then rolls out the complete update to general users.