Motorola has finally ended Flipkart’s exclusivity over its Moto E (Gen 2) range of smartphones. In the latest development, the company has collaborated with Flipkart’s rival companies, Amazon and Snapdeal. Not just that, the company will be selling the device via offline channels as well, and in a bid to move the plan, Motorola has partnered with Brightstar for future distribution across India.
Users can now buy the Moto E (Gen 2) 3G and 4G LTE variants via online stores (Flipkart, Snapdeal, and Amazon) and offline stores such as selected Airtel outlets around the country. Online stores will start listing the Moto E 3G/4G LTE from September 25, and Flipkart will continue selling the device as well.
Commenting on the new strategy, Amit Boni, General Manager, Motorola Mobility India said, "Responding to growing demand from our consumers we have made a strategic move of increasing the availability of our portfolio across offline and multiple online shopping platforms. To start off, we will be available at select stores for our consumers to experience and purchase the device."
Motorola recently unveiled new range of devices such as the Moto X Play and Moto G (Gen 3) in India, and there is a possibility that the company might follow the similar strategy with these devices as well. Moreover, Motorola is also working on bringing the Moto Maker service to India, although, the company has not revealed a timeline for the same. Moto Maker is one-of-a-kind service provided by Motorola, which allows users to customize their device as per their will.
Motorola Moto E Specifications
- 4.5-inch IPS LCD display with a resolution of 960 x 540 pixels
- Android 5.1 Lollipop
- 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 200 processor (3G variant), and 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 410 paired with 1GB of RAM
- 8GB internal storage, expandable up to 32GB via microSD card
- 5MP primary camera, and a VGA front-facing camera
- dual-SIM, 4G LTE (depending on the variant), 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS with A-GPS, Micro-USB por
- 2,390 mAh battery