Tata Teleservices's GSM Mobile service Tata DoCoMo has launched its commercial operations in Orissa. The company has also started its GSM services in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and currently covers a total of 20,847 towns and villages, 4,205 km of national Highay.
The company also introduced the Preapaid Starter Pack at Rs.49 with Life time validity.Tata DoCoMo also brings the wide range of products and services at the launch including 1 paise per second for all calls including local and STD on a pan-India basis.
It also announced the introduction of the pay-as-you-use advantage for many of its value added services like voice portals, 24 hour music, cricket commentary and voice chat among others.
TATA DOCOMO’s pan-India service rollout will be completed this year, with South Indian Circles going live first followed by circles in East, West and Northern region.
To know more on the Tariff Plan look here TATA DOCOMO TARIFF PLAN