India's 5th largest GSM service provider Aircel is all set to roll out its GSM Mobile Service in Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh telecom circle. We have some exclusive details regarding the Aircel’s Official Launch in MP CG telecom circle. The core GSM network (IND 405-808) is live in test mode in various parts of the state and commercial services is expected to roll out with some attractive tariff plans in next few days.
Aircel will be the 7th GSM operator in MP CG circle, the five other operators are Airtel, BSNL, Vodafone, Idea Cellular, Reliance Smart (GSM) and Tata Docomo.
Earlier Mr Gurdeep Sing, Chief Operation Officer, Aircel stated “we have set ourselves ambitious goals to become not only a strong nationwide service provider, but also the operator of choice for millions of Indian subscribers with our proposition of high-quality services.We have launched networks in record time while delivering superior service quality and end-user experience to our customers. We are confident that the company will help us efficiently realize our targets yet again.”
Aircel began its outward expansion in 2005 and met with unprecedented success in the Eastern frontier circles. It emerged a market leader in Assam and in the North Eastern provinces within 18 months of operations. Till today, the company gained a foothold in 18 circles including Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Assam, North East, Orissa, Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Kolkata, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Delhi, UP(West), UP(East), Maharashtra & Goa and Mumbai.
Stay tuned for the pricing and other details first on