Tata Docomo has announced 3 special Ramzan offers for its prepaid GSM customers in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. During this holy month of Ramadan, all Tata Docomo prepaid GSM customers can now get special ISD calling to gulf countries at 13.1p/second at no extra cost/recharge. The customers just have to have enough core talktime balance to enjoy this offer. This special rate is applicable to calls made to UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait only. This offer is valid till July 31, 2014.
In addition, with the recharge of Rs 700, Tata Docomo is offering its prepay GSM customers more than full talktime offer of Rs 786 with lifetime validity.While, with the recharge of Rs 125, prepaid GSM customers get more than full talktime offer of Rs 135 and a special Ramzan local night calling tariff between 11 pm and 7 am at 1p/60s to any Tata Docomo mobile numbers, & other network @ 1.5p/2 seconds. The special Ramzan tariff and Talktime is valid for 15 days.