Blackberry Services Across Operators Goes Down in India Customers Irked

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We are getting reports from our readers across India who are facing downtime of BBM & BIS services, it is believed that BlackBerry services went down around 4:30PM across all major operators, the issue was first seen when there was a major lag in BBM message delivery and later a complete halt the issue was seen across all major operators.

As per sources at operator level has confirmed that the issue is caused due to a major infrastructure update to BES at Blackberry end and the ETA for the fix is approx. 3 hours.

We are hoping to get a clearer picture of the situation soon. The outage brought up unpleasant memories of troubles with emails and chat messages last year that left users bereft for three days

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So do they plan to pay all AGR dues, or are they waiving white flag here ?

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